Friday, March 20, 2009

Club Minutes 3/20

1. Lemelson-MIT grant. We looked over and edited a draft of the project summary for our initial submission to the grant; that will be sent in (or has been sent) today.
2. Group meetings. Material removal will meet at my place on Monday to discuss design ideas we've developed and to check on the experiment so that we'll have a more tangible idea of what we're working with. Structure group- keep on researching, communicate through the blog.
3. Anchor report. Adam has been gathering contacts and working on the problem of how to keep the structure we create in place. We decided to depart from the idea of setting pipes at the bottom of the lake for structural support because of unwanted expense, difficulty of installation, and the fact that our current design doesn't involve a lot of structure at the bottom. We'll now look into attaching from the top, researching the type of rope, knot, and stakes we can use to keep our structure in place.
4. Tej said his dad is working on a pricing algorithm. Post with explanation?


  1. Back from Honduras and plugging away at shrimp farms again here.

    We're meeting at IHS this Thursday and will begin to set up Aquamat either sometime in the next week. Some one from IHS will post our progress by the end of the week.

    Any observations from the field in Illinois yet?

  2. I will find out from E. Russell as soon as possible.
